Bigazzi suoi…
No ragazzi anche sul Sun c’è la storia di Bigazzi.
Un genio…:
TOP Italian chef has been suspended indefinitely from a popular TV show for recommending stewed cat as a “succulent dish”.
Beppe Bigazzi, 77, who stars on the Italian version of “Ready, Steady, Cook”, was slammed by viewers and animal rights groups for his comment.
He recommended “casserole of cat” saying it was a famous dish in his home region of Valdarno, the area of Tuscany around Arezzo.
The chef added: “I’ve eaten it myself, and it’s a lot better than many other animals, better than chicken, rabbit or pigeon.”
Public TV network RAI said it had dropped Bigazzi for making the suggestion on Prova del Cuoco.
The show is broadcast at midday before the one o’clock lunchtime news on RAI Uno, the main channel.
RAI’s switchboard was inundated with complaints from viewers and animal rights groups.
Bigazzi said cat meat should be “soaked in spring water for three days” before being stewed.
Elisa Isoardi, the program’s presenter, who has a cat called Othello, was visibly shocked by the suggestion.
She tried, but failed, to steer Bigazzi off the subject.
It has been reported that the show’s producers tried to persuade Bigazzi to apologise for his comment during a break in the show, but he refused.
Bigazzi, the author of Cooking with Common Sense, has been one of the stars of Prova del Cuoco for the past ten years.
He is know for his lively style, and has previously caused controversy by boiling lobsters alive during the programme.
The chef claimed yesterday he had “only been joking” about cat recipes, and he had been “misunderstood”.
The chef added: “Mind you, I wasn’t joking all that much. In the 1930s and 1940s, when I was a boy, people certainly did eat cat in the countryside around Arezzo.
“I saw it often. But you can’t judge what happened seventy years ago.”
Cat meat is eaten in Switzerland, China, Vietnam, and some Latin American countries such as Peru and Argentina.
But there is growing opposition to the trend, especially in China, where there have been protests against the eating of both cats and dogs.
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Io quel personaggio lo detestavo anche prima…è spocchioso da morire e il solo vederlo mi infastidiva..dopo l’ultima uscita poi non ne parliamo
Cribbio mi e’ sparito il gatto che gironzolava qui fuori!!! Accidentaccio…dovrebbero sparare a vista a certa gente..e poi gia’ la fama degli italiani all’estero non e’ delle migliori ma peggiora di giorno in giorno.
E mò sò gatti suoi………
Più che Bigazzi…sono Bigatti suoi
Care ragazze e cari ragazzi: personalmente non ho mai mangiato carne di gatto, ma devo confessarvi che ogni volta che, viaggiando, ho ceduto alla tentazione di provare la carne di animali locali più o meno bizzarri non me ne sono mai pentita, anzi confesso che lo rifarei! nei miei vari viaggi ho degustato succulenti porcellini d’india (proprio quelli che qualcuna di voi ha nella gabbietta in salotto), profumate tartarughe di terra e d’acqua, appetitosi alligatori! sinceramente, ho imparato a non scandalizzarmi affatto! buon appetitoooooo!!