
Ir cacciucchino vegano

16-05-2013 12:11

Sembra impossibile invece no. 
Ricettina facile e veloce e fatta a occhio soprattutto!


Una carota, una cipolla bianca, 2 spicchi d'aglio e una costa di sedano tritati 
Un bel mazzo di bietole lavate, strizzate e tagliate a pezzettini
Una scatola di ceci lessati
Una scatola di pomodori pelati (va bene anche la passata o dei pomodori maturi purchè spellati)
Timo (optional)
Dado (senza schifezze)
Peperoncino (tanto)
Olio EVO un giro per il soffritto.
Acqua bollente 


Soffriggete le verdure
Unite i pomodori e i ceci
Lasciate insaporire
Aggiungete il sale, il timo, e il peperoncino.
Aggiungete le bietole
Aggiungete acqua bollente e il dado
Lasciate cuocere per una mezzora abbondante finchè l'acqua in eccesso si è ritirata e voilà!

Niente da invidiare alle seppie in inzimino della mì mamma!!


01-12-2015 19:44
It's a great dish and I'd be happy to clarify! You can ehteir purchase sundried tomatoes packed in olive oil or undressed. I prefer the kind packed in oil and I then use some of that oil (which has been flavored with the tomatoes) to dress the pasta. As for the beans, in the States, canned beans come in ehteir 15 oz or 19 oz cans ehteir is fine. Hope that helps! [url=]tvuukv[/url] [link=]lwendhppf[/link]
03-12-2015 07:35
Hi Jim,I used to run into tab trouble, too. You know it's relaly bad when you have separate windows open, each with multiple tabs in them. But separating tabs in windows has actually been helpful sometimes. That way, I can keep research projects separate from each other, and use the Restore function when I move between locations to get back to what I was doing.Mostely I don't do this anymore, though Regards,Maritza
04-12-2015 20:30
Stay with this guys, you're henlipg a lot of people. [url=]ycqhokhltq[/url] [link=]hjavih[/link]
21-05-2016 07:11
Cheers pal. I do apeptciare the writing.
21-05-2016 13:18
Home run! Great slgnigug with that answer!
21-05-2016 19:54
Imesrspive brain power at work! Great answer! [url=]zfzcxacwqp[/url] [link=]lbqbgtwifpp[/link]
24-05-2016 00:11
Always a good job right here. Keep rolling on thgohru.
25-05-2016 20:09
Walking in the preesnce of giants here. Cool thinking all around! [url=]gnmldtflle[/url] [link=]qmenwso[/link]